SEO @ https BusinessEZSite.com
SEO is a process where website
content is optimized.
The following are just some of the more important factors necessary in Businesses & Small Businesses SEO.
•Content Relevance / Site Authority
•Importance of Original Content
•LSI Keywords
•Importance Of Site Maps
•Page Structure
•Website Updates
•User Experience
and Authority
Let's first talk about Content Relevance,
how important it
is for
SEO (Search Engine Optimization.)
Content relevance is a SEO service that our business provides
to all our small businesses &
customers of all sizes, local & nation wide.
The principle message is - If the content or text on a page matches the search term used, the better ranking it will receive!
Content relevance is a very important part of SEO, and has a huge part in the On-Page Optimization of SEO. Addressing keywords is a main part of SEO within the content of a business website.
For instance, you can have a business website with great content, that is highly related to the search term, but… if it’s not a responsive website for all sizes of devices, or it loads really slow, you wouldn’t rake well.
Affordable BusinessEZSite takes into account-
Just having keywords has become way more advanced.
Search engines like Google have hugely improved their ability to assess content on a page.
It’s not enough to fill your pages/ business site with keywords, this is not an effective SEO trick anymore!
There is a fine line between having the correct amount of content, to please a user's experience.
Other factors include H1’s, H2’s, H3’s, schema data, bold headings, and italics, to name a few.
By focusing on these, and more, your site will be rewarded in the SEO search engines, and of course by users. This will, in fact, help with attracting more organic users to your site as well.
An authoritative website is a site that has been decided by
a search engine to be trusted and has accurate
information, reliable information, and content for its niche market
Search engines are able to compare authoritative sites, with sites that don’t have quality information, and informative content.
Taking into account Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA). Both contribute to how your site's SEO is, and ranks with Google.
Authority also is how the content of your site organically ranks and is relevant to your market. The size of your site ( How Many Pages) with relevant content for your market. Word count on each page, plays a large factor in the authority of your site as well.
A few indicators of authority considered are -
The quality, and relevance of your on-page content
The user experience, and engagement
Using keywords in Important areas
A domain name with authority
Links to your Home Page/ Landing Page
The older your website, usually the higher its authority
Affordable BusinessEZSite.com uses a number of technical SEO techniques and services; we will be happy to discuss this at no cost, for FREE, with you regarding your website marketing plan.
Original content can be any kind of material that has never been written before.
Your opinion and your voice make it unique! Make it original!
BusinessEZSite offers affordable, not cheap, original content articles and blog posts for better SEO placement.
This is part of our SEO services for small businesses needing this marketing content
either for local SEO services or national SEO.
Affordable SEO every online business will benefit from.
Content needs to relate, be engaging,
informative, and as unique as possible, and
be relevant to what your site is about. There
are millions, over a billion websites out there,
it’s important to have the best original
content you can. This will help establish your
site, and you as an expert.
You have maybe not heard the term ”Content is King,” it’s a term used
since the early days of search engines.
Having well-written original content will help to improve your site's SEO search ranking.
This of course can sometimes be a challenge for small business
owners trying to produce original, fresh, and engaging material.
Our affordable SEO services make this EZ for you the website owner.
Original content is such a very important part of SEO and the main
part of our services, it’s essential to your online visibility.
We only produce high-quality original content, to gain page ranking in
search engines.
Content published online can also provide backlinks to your site if
informative, and fresh.
With great topic’s on the subject your website pertains to, you can give your
self a boost in SEO by
demonstrating your knowledge, and credibility.
This serves to establish your site as an authority to
your customers you provide services to.
Providing quality original content consistently show’s the search engines
your site has value, and
your site's SEO search ranking will increase over time.
Check out our low-cost SEO packages and pricing.
Or give us a call today at no cost, for FREE, with any questions you may have.
Improves Web Visibility
Helps To Boost Site Ranking
Helps With Content Relevance
Helps To Establish Authority/Credibility
Using LSI search terms in your content, for your SEO results is possibly the best, and most useful way for your customers to find you.
*LSI stands for “latent semantic indexing.”
*This helps Google, and other search engines understand your content regarding this page.
*Using these keywords throughout your content helps to improve SEO, and traffic, boost visibility, and increase your ranking in the search results.
*LSI is a core service, and marketing SEO service Businessezsite provides to our local SEO small business owners, and national business owners.
*This is not a matter of stuffing your page content with a bunch of keywords.
*This was and has been a common practice businesses used to increase page ranking for SEO.
*However, this practice didn’t take into account the keywords not being relevant. ( As mentioned above)
*A few additional problems occurred, content has to relate, be engaging, and be informative. ( Answering the person searching, questions)
&And of course, the content should always be of quality.
Small business owners will benefit from our use of LSI keywords strategically placed in their content, as well as in descriptions, or used for refreshing your content, and much more.
Site Maps
Sitemaps are very important for
( Search Engine Optimization)
Using the sitemap allows all search
to crawl for content to index
They also see that any new content, videos, and material added is crawled quickly that they
didn’t know about before. Improving the SEO ranking of your site helps your site rank higher
and be discovered online. Any business, small business, or large website needs this!
One of the two formats for distributing your sitemap is an XML file. XML files link to other
pages within your website,
allowing search engines to crawl more efficiently and index your site correctly for better SEO results.
You're going to need a sitemap if -
*You have a large site - New content and traffic to your site can be missed.
*If you have a new site - With few external links coming into it.
*If you have many videos - Include a special sitemap specifically for your videos.
*If you have a lot of photos on your site - A sitemap helps in finding all the photos.
As a vital monthly SEO service
Businessezsite.com always submits your website's sitemap
any time new content is added, and again at the end of the month
If your website has a good page structure Google,
and other search engines will crawl your site,
and will know which pages are important,
and understand your content better.
Think of page structure as a map or menu
of your pages and their content.
Showing the search engines where it is, and what it is!
As a small business owner, you know this is also very helpful for a better user experience and usability.
Page structure keeps your website organized, everything in its place,
and a place for everything, this being an SEO-core service that improves your content.
Sound SEO practices are an essential part of your page
structure, and marketing your content.
Make your pages easy to find!
Always try to keep your clicks as few as possible
A page structured layout might look like this
Home Page, Main Topics Pages, Sub-Topics Pages, and Posts.
Page structure is a full-time thing. Your site will/should evolve over time, information will need to be updated.
Taking your Page Structure into consideration
at an affordable price is another of our
small business SEO services.
Updating your content regularly with
current information keeps your
site relevant, active, and alive.
As search engines crawl your site.
Having recent new content shows the search engines crawling your site it is relevant to your users this is crucial for SEO.
Having an older website that looks dated, with outdated content offers the opportunity for "a new lease on life" for your site.
*Keeping the content of your website up to date by adding new, and changing existing content is so important.
*If you have content that is older than say 3-4 months, it might be time to refresh it if possible for better results.
*Customers visiting websites want new information that is current regarding the site's market which could sure, increase the time they spend on your site.
*Regular updates improve your SEO and bring new traffic, this helps with your site's ranking, and also adds additional authority on search engines.
*Not to mention the trust your updated website provides between you and your customer, seeing new content/ new information.
*We have so far referred to new content being added regularly. Or refreshing existing content periodically.
Let's talk about re-doing the appearance, and useability of your website-
*Sitting on a website that's been online for a few years might call for an update!
*The layout, the colors used, and just the overall appearance may be in need of a re-do/update.
*Addressing this every few years provides a prime time to also utilize new technology.
*As a small business owner of this website, it's the first impression you are giving to potential customers!
The Following Are A Few More Benefits-
*Opportunity to update Keywords thru your content, and pages.
*Keeping up and using new technology.
*This in turn could also update your site's security.
*Which will also improve the speed at which your site loads.
*Boost your SEO ranking.
*And of course, update the overall design of your website and its useability!
Offering affordable small business SEO is our #1 goal.
This makes our SEO services, marketing ideas, original content,
social media management, and affordable pricing,
for small businesses your best choice!
Google's goal is to keep up with the user's intent,
keep the user satisfied, provide the content, and information
a user is looking for in a fast, and an easy way
At businessezsite.com user experience is #1 of our main objectives.
We strive to make visiting one of our sites a pleasure!
From the design, colors used, font, clear layout, quality content, page speed, and more!
What the search engines are able to do is use their set algorithms to determine the user's use of the website.
This indicates to the search engines just how engaged the user was, what clicks they made, and how much time they actually stayed on the site.
All this helps to indicate to them the User Experience. As a business owner, this is an SEO service we want you to know we provide.
Working to provide the best Users Experience is another utmost priority here at businessezsite.com.
Which will boost your website’s SERP ( Search Engine Results Page) ranking position.
It’s always important for SEO marketing campaigns, to keep in mind when developing content, whether for local SEO, or a national SEO market write for your user!
This will in turn provide, the best experience for your user/customer visiting.
A Few User Experience Factors We Considered
- Design of website
- Uses of colors, and images
- Clear, good original content that’s easy to read, structured, and can be found
- Loading website speed, if it takes more than 5 seconds to load, 37% of users bounce off
- Mobile responsive site, 92.1% access the internet, using a mobile phone
- Call to action buttons, for ease of contact
- Page titles optimized
- Easy menu & navigation is very important and must provide what the user is looking for.
These, and more factors make up the best SEO results, for business
search engine optimization at affordable pricing.
Business EZ Site offers all this, and much more
for your customer's positive User Experience local & nationwide!
Please contact us today for a no cost, FREE consultation, or any questions you have!